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國立東華大學 體育中心
NDHU Center for Physical Education
◎ 2010.06.01 自九十九年六月一日起泳證遺失辦理補發,工本費自200元調整為100元,特此公告。


Charge of re-issuing for lost swim pass adjusted to NT$100 from NT$200 with effect from Jun. 1, 2010.

No charge of re-issuing if there's formal paper that the case had been reported to police.

◎ 2010.03.25



Time limit on Sports Field Management System of Shoufeng campus , NDHU:

Sports Field Management System originally decrees that one person can book at most 2 hours for any specific sport field on a day’s time.

From Mar. 24, 2010 on, the System extends restriction to that one unit (college department) can book at most 4 hours for any specific sport field on a day’s time in addition to above- mentioned constraint.


Stipulation on sports field and gymnasium of NDHU, approved by 9th Council for Administrative Affairs, 1st semester, 98 academic year on Jan. 13, 2010.


Stipulation details on sports field and gymnasium of NDHU, approved by 9th Council for Administrative Affairs, 1st semester, 98 academic year on Jan. 13, 2010.


Stipulation on sports teams of NDHU, approved by 9th Council for Administrative Affairs, 1st semester, 98 academic year on Jan. 13, 2010.

Stipulation of VIP's swimming pass

Stipulations on borrowing sports equipment

Safety Notice & Directions in Athletic Facilities
Recommended procedure in dealing with sport accident
Flow chart of sports field booking

週一至週日: (98.9.14播 posted on Sep. 14, 2009)
早上 06:00 ~ 10:00
下午 16:00 ~ 22:00

Swimming pool of NDHU at Shoufeng whose morning opening hours on Sat, Sun extends to 10:00.
Listed as below the updated opening hours of the swimming pool effective from Sep. 15, 2009.
Monday ~ Sunday
AM 06: 00 ~ 10: 00
PM 16: 00 ~ 22: 00

為符合會計作業要求,運動場地借用後因故未使用,如下雨等符合退費條件欲退費者,須由原借用申請單上「申請人」檢附已付款之場地借用單於規定期限 (二週)內 填具退費申請單辦理退費,請勿交由非原申請人之第三者辦理退費,謝謝您的配合。(98.4.17播)

In accordance with accounting requirement, refund of unused sports field caused by rain etc must be applied by the original applicant who reserved sports field with receipt and refund application form within 2 weeks. Please do not apply for refund through third party. (Apr.17,2009)

Students of NDHU who would like to apply swim pass in trio special offer could designate one of them to apply to Physical Education Office in office hours with all papers as follows:
1. receipt
2. three students' filled in and signed application forms
3. three students' two pieces of one inch photos
4. three students' identity cards (return back right after checking)
Please be reminded to prepare complete papers at one go as above-listed lest you should waste your valuable time. (posted on May 11th,2006)

收費標準Tariff 繳費收據receipt (以上費率表適用自2007.1.1起適用) (tariff effective from Jan. 1, 2007)

Swim pool tariff adjustment notice (posted on Dec 21, 2006)

Updated tariff of NDHU’s swim pool comes into force from Jan 1, 2007 on.
New rates detailed as above.
Originally NT$50 plus processing fee of swim pass now altered to be inclusive in the rates.
Female swimmers are still entitled to 25 % off in price of the new rates.
Please pay updated fee to designated bank when applying for swim pass.
The other procedure in swim pass application remains unchanged.
If you have any question on this notice, please don’t hesitate to call via: 863-2613.

借用體育園區場地停車注意事項Parking Notice in borrowing sporting parks

(95.3.23播 posted on Mar.23rd,2006)

游泳池泳證費率更新公告 (95.11.30播)

女性泳客請於辦證繳費時依前述更正後之收費標準及繳費收據所載費率自行於三聯式「游泳證辦證繳費收據」更新後繳費,其他辦證流程不變。 單張回數票價格不變。

Notice on swim pass tariff update (posted on Nov 30, 2006)

In light of female’s inconvenience in swimming during her period, we offer all female swimmers 25% discount in price when applying for NDHU’s year swim pass, which is effective from today (Nov 30, 2006) on.
Female swimmers please update the rate , if there’s discrepancy, on present three- copy receipt of your own accord as per above altered tariff when paying swim pass fee to bank, other procedure in application remains unchanged. Price of single entry ticket remains unchanged.
If you have any question on this notice, please don’t hesitate to ring Physical Education Office via following telephone number: 863-2613.

Rule of rewards for NDHU student's merits in sports competitions
94年12月21日九十四學年度第八次行政會議通過 passed by NDHU's administrative convention on Dec. 21, 2005
Length, width, depth of swimming pool of NDHU:
室內池(Indoor pool):
長 Length 25m 寬 Width 21m 深 Depth 1.1~1.3m
室外池(Outdoor pool):
長 Length 50m 寬 Width 26.5m 深 Depth 1.3~1.8m
健康諮詢中心(健身房)使用注意事項(90.10.24) Notice of working-out in gymnasium (posted Oct.24,2001)
游泳證申請請檢附二張二吋照片 2x2" photos needed in application of swim pass of NDHU.

Please be advised that the stipulation in application for swim pass of NDHU originally entails attaching two “one-inch” size photos now changed to attach two “two-inch” size photos with immediate effect. (2006/11/9)

游泳池借用施行細則(93.2.16播) Stipulation of swimming pool's reservation ( posted Feb. 16,2004)
Subsidization principle of student's sports association in holding intercollegiate sports competitions (posted Feb.25, 2004)
自91學年起(九十一年八月一日起)泳證遺失辦理補發,工本費自50元調整為200元,特此公告。 Charge of re-issuing for lost swim pass adjusted to NT$200 from NT$50 with effect from Aug. 1, 2002.
運動園區場地借用因故未使用辦理退費流程Refund procedure of Sports facilities reservation charge(93.10.16播)(posted on Oct.16,2004)
游泳池泳票購買Swim ticket buying(93.6.11播)
(posted Jun. 11, 2004)
因應游泳池94/10/1~94/10/14期間龍王颱風災害關閉清理,游泳證有效期自動延長14天 。

Valid date of swim pass will extend 14 days automatically for days closed in cleaning and repairing for damage brought up by typhoon Longwang. (posted Oct.12, 2005)

游泳證申辦Swim pass application(93.10.14播)
(posted Oct.14,2004)
游泳池健身房(重訓室)女生專用時間: 每週四 下午 五時~七時,謹此公告周知。(94.3.10播)
Lady's time in gymnasium of swimming pool: Thursday PM 05:00~07:00 (posted on Mar.10th, 2005)
國立東華大學游泳訓練班 (Swim learning course ) 報名表 ( Enlist form ) (滿最低 開 班人數即開 班 ) !
自93.9.1起 普 通 班滿 5 人開 班、幼幼班滿 3 人 開 班、 親 子班 1 大 1 小滿 3 對 1 大 2 小滿 2 對 開 班 ( 93.8.27 修正 ) 。
(93.8.27播) Swimming courses (posted Aug. 27, 2004)
自2005.5.27(五)開始,運動球場及體育室活動中心教室等夜間借用開燈時段延長為:19:00~23:00 (宿舍區球場至22:00)。
即自2005.5.20(五)起經網路「運動園區場地借用系統」登錄借用運動園區場地可借用至23:00(宿舍區球場至22:00) (94.5.20播)

Effective from May 27th, 2005, night opening hours of Sports Facilities extended from 19:00~23:00 (Sports Fields near dormitory open to 22:000 ) (posted on May 20th, 2005)


Attention to whoever uses the softball pitch near dormitory: (posted on Jun. 20th, 2005)
For maintaining a desirable and quiet surroundings of dormitories, please keep your voices as low as possible when playing in this field.

Sports field management system starting notice (posted Apr.14,2005)
Sports field reservation notice (Jun.9,2005)
Sports field management system updating notice (posted Sep.13,2005)
漆彈活動輔導管理注意事項 Points for attention on paint ball game management (posted on May 19th, 2006)